dark soul is the dark souls of d

i got dark souls remastered for the switch in september 2021 i think. that's wild to think about. around february/march-ish i borrowed a ps4, and i've played every from software game since (except for demon's souls. why are u on only ps3 and ps5!!!) and i've a ton of fun getting through them all. i probably want to replay elden ring the least because it's so FUCKINGGGG long. it's hard to pick a favorite but i really loved sekiro's combat. funnily enough that game is the one that made me gamer-rage the least. i was kind of scared of it because before playing it i had read an article that was like "it took me TWO YEARS and 120 HOURS to get through sekiro" i dont remember the numbers but they were big. i guess i was just more of a gamer than that journalist lol

here's a screenshot i got after a kind player called Pop Tart helped me beat sister friede at like 2 in the morning. if you see this, i love you Pop Tart <3

pop tart saving my day